FB Purity Update: v14.2 has been released, lets you hide facebook profile hovercards and Live video & has lots of bugfixes
FB Purity lets you clean up and customize Facebook. Helping you to neutralize many problems of the problems as seen in this funny video.
Changes in this release:
- Fixed: hidden FBP link in top nav bar as it was hidden for some users.
- Fixed: changing top nav bar colour and background image options, as it was broken for some users
- Fixed: some issues with the Hide “Auto Tag Suggestions” option
- Fixed: some issues with the Experimental option “Apply newsfeed filters to ticker”
- Fixed: the flickering caused when the “Show Full Date/Time on Posts” option is turned on
- New: Added a hide “Profile Hovercards” option (Located under the “More Options” heading. It hides the popup info boxes that appear when you hover over a Username/User icon or Page name/Page Icon

FB Purity gives you the option to hide the profile “hovercard” popups that appear when you your mouse “hovers” over User names or Page Names etc.New: Added an option to hide the “Suggest Edits” link in the left column
- New: Added an option to hide “Live Video” stories from the newsfeed. (Live video posts start with the text “person x is live now” or “person x was live”. The option is under the “Video Stories” heading. Please note that Live Video posts from celebrities are posted by a Facebook App called “Mentions” so they will be filtered out by FBP’s Game & App filter option. If you want to see posts from the “Mentions” App, you just need to whitelist it. You can do this by adding the Application ID for Mentions: 800871226593160 to the FBP “App Whitelist” manually, or you can click the “WL” link on any posts from the Mentions app that show up under the Apps filter. Please note if you don’t see the option to hide “Live Video” in your version of FBP, you just need to re-install as this was a late addition to FBP 14.2.
- New: Added an option to hide the “Suggest Edits” link in the left column
- New: Added a check to see if the FB language setting is not English and if thats the case, explain that FBP works better when the FB language setting is set to English
- Updated: Renamed “Trending Articles” newsfeed filter option to “Trending Stories” and fixed it so it filters out trending stories from the newsfeed.
- Updated: “Fix External links” code to work better.
- Updated: The “show Logout Button” option, located under the “Top Nav Bar Options” heading, should now work faster and show up more reliably
- Known Issue: If you have the “Expand News Column” option turned on, sometimes the text in the newsfeed will stretch too far, and go off the screen, I am aware of this bug, and am trying to figure out how to fix it, until then, you can simply turn this option off for the fix.
Install / Update the latest version of FB Purity by clicking the green “Install FB Purity” button on the FB Purity Install Page
Tip for Google Chrome users who are having problems updating FBP: Tick the “Developer Options” box button on the Extension management page, then click “Update Extensions Now” button. Please note this won’t work if your version of FBP says “Not From Chrome Webstore” next to it due to a bug in chrome. If it says that, you need to either update it manually via the instructions on the FBP install page, or else export your FBP settings (see user guide on how to do this) then uninstall FBP, then reinstall it via the green “Install FB Purity” button, then import your FBP settings you exported previously. After doing that FBP should be able to auto-update in future.
If you have any problems or questions with/about FBP, please use the available help resources on this website, including the FBP User Guide, and FBP FAQ page which includes a comprehensive Troubleshooting Guide that you should follow if you have any problems.
If you wish to support FB Purity, please Donate to ensure the continuation of this project. Please also tell all your Facebook friends and family about FBP too, cheers!
For those who don’t already know, FB Purity is a safe, free and top rated web browser extension for Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Maxthon. It lets you clean up the junk and customize Facebook the way you want it to be. It has many cool features, such as hiding all the ads, alerting you when friends un-friend you, letting you change the site’s colours, fonts and background image, let you stay on the “Most Recent” feed permanently and lots more. FBP has been reviewed and highly recommended in none other than the Washington Post!
Best Regards,
Facebook driving you crazy? Don’t get mad, Get FB Purity!
Related posts:
- FB Purity v14.9.1 – Sort Most Recent on Friend’s Timeline pages, new View Live Grid function + bug fixes
- FB Purity v14.3.1 Fixes Expand News Column, Adds WebFont Preview box plus lots of bugfixes
- F.B. Purity v14.8.0 – Hide Live Box in right column and Discover Groups in left column
- F.B. Purity v16.0 – Lets you filter photos by the contents of the photos.
Hey Steve, thanks for the update.
Do you think it will be possible to make an option how to set “most recent” comments as default (as in the case of posts in news feed)?
The default now is “top comments” so sometimes you have to switch to most recent to see all of the comments because even you click on see more comments, you are not able to see them if you don’t choose most recent comments.
anything is possible in theory. but this is not something im planning on doing.