Issues with Facebook’s New “Feeds” button, and FBP’s News sort: most recent feature

Facebook have rolled out a major new change for the Newsfeed, they’ve  added a “Feeds” button in the left column which lets you access separate “Feeds” for Favorites, Friends, Groups and Pages.

If you have the change and are using FBP‘s “News Sort: Most Recent” option, which permanently and automatically keeps your newsfeed page set to “Most Recent“, you will have noticed that when viewing the feed sorted by most recent, Facebook has decided to remove the left hand column and the right hand column (which removes the chat functionality etc) and also the status composer box at the top (though you can still make a post by clicking the 3 by 3 grid button either in the far left column (or in the top navigation bar, then clicking the “Create / Post” button).

Facebook have also removed the “Most Recent” button, that lets you manually select to view the “Most Recent” version of the newsfeed. However, they have actually replaced that button with the “Feeds” button, which when clicked will show your Newsfeed sorted by “Most Recent”. They have also resurrected the “Pages Feed” and “Friends Feed”, and bundled them with the Groups Feed and Favorites Feed, in the “Feeds” Menu. Each of these individual feeds are also sorted by “Most Recent” by default.

If you turn off FBP’s “News Sort: Most Recent” option, your right and left hand column will come back, but your feed will no longer be automatically sorted by “Most Recent”.
I’m looking into the implications of this new code change and how it affects FBP users.
What do you think of this new Facebook change, if you have it?
For those who don’t already know, F.B. Purity is a safe, free & top rated browser extension that lets you clean up and customize Facebook, letting you hide the parts of the site such as Sponsored Posts, Reels, Rooms, Stories etc & newsfeed posts you don’t want to see. FBP is available for Chrome, FIrefox, Opera, Edge, Safari (and any other Chrome clone browsers such as Brave, Vivaldi, etc)
You can get F.B. Purity via FBPURITY.COM
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32 Responses to Issues with Facebook’s New “Feeds” button, and FBP’s News sort: most recent feature

  1. Sarah Sharp says:

    The new Newsfeed option is awful. I don’t have Most Recent selected. The “Back to top Posts” feature is gone, and, I miss that option.

  2. Adam Floyd says:

    This change is bad UI design. By removing the right-hand menu they’ve pushed the feed off-centre. That makes the user constantly look at the right side of the screen with their head turned and can cause physical neck pain. A way to put the feed back in the centre where it belongs would be much appreciated!

  3. Louis Prine says:

    I have just recently gotten this new change from FB , having previously deleted all buttons on top except home. Now have Feeds button there also, & left column completely changed most notably my name & access to my time line, friends and all other personal data. I tried to find a link to that info & found if I did a search for myself I could access my own section in FB. I am so disgusted with FB attempts to control me but this platform is about the only way to at least partially keep up with family-friends ongoing lives. Want to thank you so much for your efforts to fight FB & their dictator ways. You really have touched so many lives

  4. Nikki McDermott says:

    I don’t know what happened, but this morning, none of the posts have the day or time on them. They did until this morning. I don’t know if something was posted 6 days, 6 hours or 6 minutes ago!

  5. Lynne Stewart says:

    I was messing around with FP Purity and FB settings in an attept to figure out why I was seeing weird posts from people I ‘follow’ that I don’t remember ever following! After clearing all these weird pages off, suddenly I have thislet hand column where before I had nothing. It pushes my newsfeed to the right wich is awkward and my chat is gone. I suppose I need to just let it sort by ‘top’ even though I hate it?
    Why am I bothering to stay on Facebook?

  6. Dwoogie says:

    Just got it today. Appalling. More idiotifying the layout. Is it fixable at all?

  7. Sally Keith says:

    I want to keep most recent news on my newsfeed AND I want my contacts back in the right column! I prefer the format on newsfeed (recent) and my left & right column options the wat they were before FB decision to change it!
    Please fix it back.

  8. Walter Hawn says:

    What FB shows by default is as relevant to me as diapers on a penguin. I have no clue what their algorithm thinks it’s doing, but ‘relevance’ is certainly not at the head of the list.

  9. Maree Gunner says:

    Absolutely hate it. My feed changed 24+ hours ago!! :((

  10. Steven Rowan says:

    It would be appreciated if FBP could resolve this issue, so that I have both left and right fields and the most recent post option. Why would FB make it so hard to have the most recent posts ?

  11. Zach Kucera says:

    It is terrible. It is off center when you use the Feeds tab and so if you want to see your messenger list or the links on the side, you have to go into “Home” which uses Facebook’s algorithm to decide what is best for you to see (like how a post from three weeks ago is currently the top post on the Home feed… a post about someone going to the airport to pick up a friend… STOP THE PRESSES!!!).

    If you can develop a code to change it back, I would be grateful. I hate having to click back and forth on the tabs.

  12. pj says:

    I apparently just got this change today and it is terrible. I unclicked the news sort: Most recent, but my right and left hand columns are still gone and the stupid “Feeds” column takes up about 1/3 of the page. How do we get rid of this?

  13. Richard says:

    Posts no longer show the date they were made. What benefit can this change possibly have for Facebook? Sure is a negative for me

  14. Belle says:

    Sorry for being daft but where is the “News Feeds: Most recent button”?

    • admin says:

      as explained in the post, its actually called “news sort: most recent” and its located on the fbp options screen.

  15. Robert Baailey says:

    Just got this in the last couple days. There must be something in the water out there because all the ‘improvements’ coming from that end of the world (not just fb, but pp and all the other online things that are becoming way too ‘required’ for day to day life).

    Of course the big-techs want to drive advertising in our direction, but they are making their services almost unusable at times.

    Unfiltered fb and the rest of the internetz are basically unusable, thank you Steve for keeping me sane

  16. Karen says:

    I have had it for about a week and I dislike it greatly. I can get back to my original pages but have to keep clicking on FEEDS all the time. If you leave your page to type in a message it automatically takes you back to the “FEEDS” list in the left hand corner and you have to click on the link underneath it. This happens on both Chrome, Google and The EDGE browsers for me. So guess I am stuck for now. Hope you can come up with something to fix this. Why do they have to keep changing things to things that don’t work.

  17. Phil Hall says:

    It doesn’t seem like anything I do with FPB changes anything now. This, I presume, Facebook targeting of your product looks like it might finally have caught up with you. I wish they’d spend as much time listening to users and looking at why you offer an alternative view rather than trying to null you at every move.

    • admin says:

      if you have any problems, please follow all the steps in the Troubleshooting Guide on the FAQ page on FBPURITY.COM

      • Phil Hall says:

        I have and I did, even went through the hassle of resetting it and laboriously going through it again, but I get the same thing, an almost unusable page that I have to toggle between to a non-FBP window to do stuff I can’t do.

        • admin says:

          you dont need to disable fbp, everything about “feeds” is explained in the post you are replying to

  18. HawkX says:

    Since you ask for our opinion, here is mine ;)

    Last week I disabled the “most recent” option and was toggling between both at the top… this week when it disapeared, i turned it back on in FBP but it was bothering me that i had to go into FBP options to toggle it between on and off every day… HOWEVER, after reading your post, i learned about the “feeds – most recent” on the left side so THANK you for that info! :)

  19. Paul says:

    My FB updates to the new layout today.

    YUK, YUK, YUK.

    I use most recent, and I don’t want the Feeds in my left pane.

    Hope you can find a solution.

  20. Erik says:

    Sponsored posts just started showing up in my feed again.

  21. Hi Steve: My question is about the left and right columns (chat) disappearing from my news feed. I have tried for several days to have them come back up. Is this something that I am doing wrong? I do not have a triple dot at the top right hand of my FB page, nor an arrow to click on to. I do have a grid, but it doesn’t give me any options that will help me. My feed is in the middle of my screen, but both sides, which I did have prior to 4 days ago are blank. I have a chromebook. Thank you very much for your reply and I hope you can help me.

  22. No se cómo entrar a mi fb
    Cuando trato de entrar aparece una página en blanco con una f y abajo dice neta que me pasó, hice algo mal
    Cómo me puede ayudar

  23. Everything FB does is for the sole purpose of keeping everyone on and scrolling longer. Thus, no more easily accessible “most recent” option for the news feed. I find myself going on FB less and less and if it weren’t for the dog and cat breeders around the world that I want to stay in touch with, I would ditch FB altogether.

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