Facebook have deleted 37 posts from the FB Purity Fan Page without warning, explanation or acknowledgement!

Facebook have deleted at least 37 posts from the FBP Fan Page, in the last week! If you now try to access those pages, and you will just see the following: Dont trust Facebook with your content, they will delete it at will, with no qualms and no warnings or explanations

Dont trust Facebook with your content, they will delete it at will, with no qualms and no warnings or explanations

Facebook have gone on a rampage and deleted a huge amount of posts and images from this page, again, with no reason or explanation given. I’ve contacted them about this, and they say they have no records in their logs of the posts or images from my page being deleted. The evidence is clear that they have been deleted however, and im dead certain it was Facebook that did it. Google’s web-cache shows the posts and images that have been deleted. After a lot of sleuthing, i came up with the following list of pages that have been deleted, well the ones i managed to track down so far anyway.

—————– Posted Jun 29th 2010

“Script Update: v3.0 – I’ve fixed the script to work with the latest FB code change, plus some other minor changes. If you like the script and would like to make the developer happy, make a donation :) Please also tell all your friends about the script too, and invite them to join this page. You can do that via the “Suggest to friends” link”

80 likes 103 comments ( cached at: 14 Feb 2013 17:12:06 GMT )
cached: Google Cache Link
original: http://www.facebook.com/fluffbustingpurity/posts/134443276583467

—————- Posted Sep 11th 2010

“I’ve updated the script to: v3.4a : Fixes in this version: “Hide get connected box”, fixed freezeup in google chrome when creating a new friends list, fixed bug in custom text filter that would cause the script to stop working completely.”

49 likes ( cached at: 12 Jan 2013 02:39:55 GMT )
cached: Google Cache
original: http://www.facebook.com/fluffbustingpurity/posts/157356930943475

—————- Posted Oct 2nd 2010

“I’ve released a new version of the script ( v3.5 ) The script now automatically hides “started using app/game” messages via “app filter”. The custom text filter now adds the specific text match to hidden posts, so you can tell which text triggered the filter. You can install the fixed version of Fluff Busting Purity (v3.5) here: http://install.fbpurity.com/ “

50 likes ( cached at 27 Jan 2013 17:55:39 GMT )
cached: Google Cache
original: https://www.facebook.com/fluffbustingpurity/posts/158843927478402

Click to see full list of deleted posts (its a long list)

I know for a fact that I didn’t delete those posts, and theres nobody else with access to my account that could have deleted them. So all the evidence points to it being done by someone at Facebook. Ive spent the last 4 or 5 hours, tracking down these 37 posts from, and have worked out the deletions occured within the last week, as the latest timestamp on the google cached pages i checkd was the 14th February 2013.

BTW Since reporting the fact that I traced the evidence of the extent of the page deletions via google cached pages, they seem to have been getting google to delete the cached copies too. So in case you were wondering whats happened to lots of the content from the fbp fan page page, now you know, facebook have deleted it!

I think Facebook Page owners, and Facebook users in general should take note of this and be very wary of trusting Facebook with any of your content. When they have no qualms whatsoever over deleting said content without any kind of explanation or comeback.

I urge you all to add FB Purity on the following other networks, so you can stay up to date with FBP news, as Facebook seem intent on deleting all my content on the FBP Fan Page on Facebook:

FB Purity News on Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/+FbpurityNews

FB Purity News on Twitter: http://twitter.com/fbpurity

FB Purity News via email: https://news.fbpurity.com

If you would like to support FB Purity please donate, every little helps. You can donate via the FB Purity website, or via the Donate link on the FBP options screen.

BTW make sure you update to the latest version of FB Purity – v8.2.2 as it fixes a serious slowdown bug, that would occur when viewing Timeline pages.

Best Regards,


Posted in Facebook, FB Purity | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments

FB Purity v8.2.2 Released: Fixes Browser Freeze up issues and hides Page “Like Suggestions”

FB Purity improves the facebook experience.

Get FB Purity, and improve your Facebook Experience.

I’ve released an updated version of FB (Fluff Busting) Purity, v8.2.2. This version should hopefully fix the browser freeze issue many people were experiencing when viewing Fan Pages and User Profiles (Timeline pages) on Facebook.

FB Purity is a browser extension that lets you easily clean up and customize Facebook, letting you view it how you like rather than constricted by the way Facebook imposes itself on you.

Get the updated, fixed version of FB Purity (v8.2.2) here: https://www.fbpurity.com



Posted in Facebook, FB Purity | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

F.B. Purity Update – v8.2.0 has been released – Many new Facebook Newsfeed Filtering options, fixes Safari settings issue + more

Get FB Purity to make Facebook more fun and less annoying to use.

FB Purity Cleans Up and Customizes Facebook

Looks like its business as usual at F.B. Purity, for now, as Facebook are still not responding to my requests for clarification of their statement that I am unauthorized to use Facebook. Thanks for all the support from the loyal FB Purity users, we can still continue the fight for a cleaned up clutter free Facebook interface. Its a never ending battle, but I hope you appreciate the efforts I am making, and will continue to support me though this.

You can help out by spreading the word about F.B. Purity and donations also help out a great deal too.

I’ve been hard at work on a couple of projects recently, one is a secret for now,  it is directly related to FBP, and I hope to announce it real soon, and the other is an update to F.B. Purity: F.B. Purity v8.2.0,  This version has many new newsfeed filtering options. Including “Hide all Photos”, “Hide all Videos”, “Hide Facebook smileys  / emoticons”,

A few of the FBP’s filtering options covered multiple story types (such as liked/tagged in or commented on photo),  this update splits those options into separate filters for more granular control.

Other new options have been added too and in order to accommodate the new filter options i needed to redesign the left column of the options screen. If you prefer the more open look of the previous version, where you didnt have to click the category headings to open the specifc filters, you can open all the categories at once by clicking on the small black triangle right at the top of the newfeed filters column.

Changes Summary for F.B Purity v8.2.0

  • Removed following options “Commented on or liked status” (replaced by likedstatus, commentedstatus ) “Tagged in likes or commented on photo” (replaced by taggedphoto, likedphoto, commentedphoto). “Commented on tagged in or liked album” (merged with corresponding photo options). “Commented or likes link” (replaced by likedlink, commentedlink options).
  • Added new “extra” filtering options, that let  you hide upcoming events, shared events, liked link, commented on link, shared page, hide all photos, tagged in photo, liked photo, commented photo, shared video, liked video, commented on video, youtube / vimeo videos, shared status, liked status, commented on status, hide all videos.
  • Added an option to fix the  left hand column navigation bar of the newsfeed in a fixed position, so it stays in place when the newsfeed scrolls down.
  • Added “Recently Released Albums” to the hide “Sponsored Box / Stories” filter
  • Fixed “Facebook Questions” filter
  • Added an option to hide graphical smileys a.k.a emoticons. This option either replaces the emoticon with the text equivalent, or in the case of icons sent from the messenger app, an asterisk, as theres no equivalent text code provided for those.
  • Added “Create a group”, “create a page”, and “find friends” to links you can hide in the left column.
  • Added the “Recent Articles About” and “Most Shared on” story types to the “Trending Articles” filter
  • Added “Play with friends” to the “Applications / Games” story filter
  • Fixed the anomalous “Drag image into box” appearing on top of the FBP options screen
  • Fixed FBP saving preferences not working in Safari
  • Fixed “Block app” functionality on Opera
  • Cleaned out lots of old code that no longer serves any purpose

You can install the updated version of F.B. Purity v8.2.0 via the F.B. Purity website: http://www.fbpurity.com

If you enjoy using F.B. Purity and would like to support this project, please do share links to the site ( Facebook are blocking direct links to the site, but you can instead share the  link to the FB Purity fan page instead https://facebook.com/fluffbustingpurity )

Also if you are able, donations are highly appreciated to allow me to continue my work on this: http://donate.fbpurity.com . Many thanks to those kind souls who have already donated, from me and on behalf of all the FBP users, you are all stars! :)


Steve (Developer of F.B. Purity)

Posted in Facebook, FB Purity | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

New F.B. Purity Beta version available (v8.2.0) : Adds lots of new options for customizing Facebook

FB Purity the Facebook Filter that lets you Customize Facebook the way you want it
So it seems like Facebook’s legal department must still be on holiday, (or they are buried under paperwork from all the people who are trying to sue them)  as I’ve not heard anything back from them regarding my queries about their announcement, regarding my supposed ban from Facebook.

I would like to thank everyone for their messages of support and also a big thanks to those who have donated. It seems clear to me that Facebook’s users do want to have the option of controlling what gets shown in their own browsers, so I will continue to work on FBP.

In the meantime I’ve been working on a new update to F.B. Purity, its in Beta at the moment, and if you are ok with Beta software, you can find out more and get it via the FBP Beta page https://www.facebook.com/puritytest/

In my own testing, it seems to be working fine, but before I do a full release, It would be nice if some people could try it out, to see if i’ve missed anything. Will probably do a full release of this version in the next day or so.

Developing F.B. Purity has been a struggle from the start, Facebook are continually throwing up obstacles, but with your help I won’t let them stop me.

If you support freedom of the internet, support F.B. Purity, as it gives you freedom from having to view the junk that facebook wants you to see.

Please donate and support the cause: https://donate.fbpurity.com
Also help spread the word about F.B. Purity, tell your friends,  share, like and comment on this post / image,



Posted in Facebook, FB Purity | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Happy Holidays everyone and thanks you all for your support! I intend to try and keep the F.B Purity project going through 2013

FB Purity the Facebook Filter that lets you Customize and Clean up FacebookHappy Holidays everyone! I hope you had a good year, and that 2013, will be even better for you, your friends and and family, and one one not impeded by Facebook’s insistence on trying to destroy F.B. Purity,  and thereby  force you to use their unfiltered and uncustomized interface.

Keeping the F.B. Purity project going has been an ongoing struggle, what with the obstacles that Facebook try and throw up at every opportunity, I sometimes wonder if its worth all the effort involved, though the overwhelming show of support from the users of F.B. Purity  and especially their generous donations, in this troubling time, help me keep going with it.

Facebook, for their Christmas, were probably wishing Santa and his elves stick me an orange jumpsuit and drop me off at Guantanamo Bay. Im pleased to inform you all, that this has not happened yet, though i will be listening out for the stomp of reindeer hoofs on the roof tonight ;-)

It seems like Faceboook’s legal department broke up for their holidays early this year, as although they have said I am banned from Facebook, they have not actually enforced the ban as of this writing. I have forwarded their emails on to the Electronic Freedom Foundation ( http://eff.org ), who said they will look into the matter for me. I am looknig forward to hearing what they have to say about the case, and I will most likely be contacting the various other lawyers that got in touch with offers of help too at some point, to get further legal advice on this.

My own personal Xmas wish is that Facebook will unblock my domain name, and remove the lies they are spreading that F.B.Purity is “spammy and unsafe”, and stop hassling me with legal notices and threats of being banned from Facebook.

In case Facebook do enforce their ban on me and the F.B. Purity fan page, its essential that you are able to stay informed of F.B. Purity news and updates. You can do this via the following services:

Google Plus: FB Purity News on Google Plus

Twitter: FB Purity News on Twitter

Email: FB Purity News Email List

RSS: FB Purity News RSS Feed

Thank you for all the support you have shown over the draconian stance Facebook has taken towards me and the Fluff Busting Purity browser extension.

In particular I would like to thank the very kind people who have donated to support the work thats been put into keeping this project going, and ensuring its survival into the future.

If you can afford it and appreciate the amount of work that is involved in developing, maintaining and supporting F.B. Purity and keeping this project up and running, theres never been a better time to donate, which you can do via this link: https://donate.fbpurity.com

Peace and Love to everyone!



F.B. Purity

P.S. I will hopefully have some very exciting news to announce, some time early in the New Year, stay tuned for more details.

Posted in FB Purity | 2 Comments

FB Purity Update v8.0.1 – Adds options for hiding Games Feed and Pages Feed, Apps, Groups, Interests Links in Left Column + more

Make Facebook less annoying with FB PurityFB Purity Update v8.0.1 – Adds options for hiding the links in the left column, including Pages Feed and Games Feed etc + more

  • In this version I’ve added options for hiding the links in the left hand column ( Games Feed, Pages Feed, Apps, App Center, Pokes, Music, Places Editor, Pages, Groups, Interests etc)
  • To access these new options, first open the FB Purity options screen, by clicking the “F.B. Purity” link at the top of your newsfeed, then  click the “Hide Left Hand Column Links” link which is just above the “Font and Colour” options link on the FBP options screen.
  • Improved the Hide Sponsored Stories, and Hide Suggested Posts filters
  • The “Font and Colour” options can now be accessed by clicking the “Font and Colours Options” link on the FBP options screen
  • Added “Upcoming Events” story type to “Hide Events Box” filter, and also to the “Attending event” option, so if either of those options are selected the “Upcoming Events” story type will be hidden
  • Fixed a filtering bug where sometimes a “normal” post would not be correctly marked as “normal”

If you appreciate all the work I put into the FB Purity project,

please help me out in return by donatingSupport FB Purity by Donating to the Cause

BTW A big thank you to those who have donated to FBP, its very much appreciated.

Please tell your friends about FB Purity too, share the love :)



Install the updated version of FB Purity via FBPurity.com

Posted in Facebook, FB Purity | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

FB Purity Firefox Extension Bug Fix Update for Firefox 17 Compatibility

FBP Fix for FF17

Important news for users of the Firefox version of the FB Purity browser extension. A new “stable” version of the Firefox web browser is being released today – 2oth November 2012,  Firefox 17, which is not compatible with the current version of FB Purity. Once you have Firefox 17 installed, the current version of FBP will completely stop working.

You’ll be glad to hear, I’ve come up with a fixed version of the Firefox extension that is compatible with FF17, so its probably best to install it now, before you update your browser to FF17. Though installing the fixed version after installing FF17 will work too.

To get the fixed version of the Firefox extension, just Re-install FB Purity via the FB Purity website ( If you dont use the Firefox extension version of FB Purity, theres no need to install the updated version )

N.B Please note that the new version is no longer “restartless” which means you will need to restart your browser after you install it. Its also no longer compatible with the Seamonkey web browser, but Seamonkey users should be able to use the GM Script version of FBP.

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F.B. Purity Update v7.9.7 – Fixes Block Application function, Fixed Instagram App filtering + more

FB (Fluff Busting) Purity

Ive released F.B. (Fluff Busting) Purity Update v7.9.7 that fixes some bugs and adds a couple of new features.

Summary of Changes in this Release:

  • Fixed “BA” (Block Application) function also fixed app blocking for “frictionless sharing” apps such as netflix
  • Fixed application filter (for certain cases such as Instagram stories)
  • Fixed the Fan Page filter, so it doesnt filter out fan page stories on “Page Feed” or “Interest Lists” as if the user clicks on those feeds, they most likely want to see the fan page updates.
  • Fixed emoticons when font size is altered (previously you would get both the icon and the text smiley if you changed the font size)
  • Fixed bug with birthday comment flyout box (got rid of weird blue box inside text input box)
  • Updated the “Hide sponsored” option to include “page posted an offer” type stories
  • Added FBP Info bar and feed filtering to “game feed” and “page feed”
  • Added a more prominent “Block App” button to Appcenter app pages
  • Changed the default “restore comment buton” option setting to “off” for new users
  • Updated the “welcome new user” page to include info about FBP interest list and page notifications.

Install F.B. Purity v7.9.7

If you appreciate all the work I do, developing, maintaining and supporting this project, please Donate to show your appreciation, Please also tell all your friends about FB Purity, too.

BTW Facebook is updating its site ever more regularly, which means FB Purity will need to be updated more often to keep it up to date and fix any issues that Facebook throw up. Its important that you stay up to date with FB Purity developments, so I recommend you subscribe to the “FB Purity Interest List” to make sure you get all the News updates from the FBP fan page in your newsfeed. You can also now subscribe to notifications from the page, when updates are available. To do this, go to the FB Purity Fan page, hover over the “Liked” button, and then select “Get Notifications



Posted in FB Purity | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

If you have noticed FB Purity’s “BA” (Block Application) function has stopped working, read this

FB Purity the Facebook Filter that lets you Customize Facebook the way you want it

Do you use FB Puritys application blocking function? If so you may have noticed that it has stopped working, due to a Facebook code change. I’ve updated FBP’s code so that it works again, if you want the fixed version, just clear your browser cache, and re-install via https://fbpurity.com
I havent updated the version number, so it will still say v7.9.6 once installed, but you will find the application blocking function will be working again. The reason i’ve not updated the version number, is I dont know whether many people make use of this function, I certainly havent had many reports from users that it has stopped working.

Facebook are squeezing Facebook page owners for money, they have stopped showing all Page updates to their fans, unless the page owners pay them money. If you want to see all the updates from this page, you can get around this in one of 2 ways, first is to subscribe to the following Interest List: FB Purity News: https://www.facebook.com/lists/10151100036991927 that should make sure that posts from this page appear in your newsfeed.

The second option is even better, as it actually gives you a notification whenever theres a post from this page. To enable notifications when this page posts an update, go to the FBP Fan Page  and hover over the “Liked” button, then select “Get Notifications”. I only update this page, when theres some important news, so theres no need to worry about getting too many notifications.

The reason its important to follow this page, if you are an FB Purity user, is that Facebook update the code on their site very often, and it often breaks parts of FB Puritys functionality. Through this page I will keep you informed of any such changes, and also of when I have managed to fix any breakages, or have developed new versions with new functions etc.

In future versions i will give the option for you to add the Interest List and the option to get notifications from this page, when you install FBP, to make the process simpler.

Please support FB Purity by donating: https://donate.fbpurity.com

Please also tell all your friends about FB Purity too,

Thanks  and Best Regards,


Posted in Facebook, FB Purity | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments