F.B Purity Update v7.1.0 – Fixed comment button issues, Fixed Hide Recent Activity Button, New Hide “Trending Articles” option + New method for disabling Timeline

Changes in FB Purity v7.1.0

  • Fixed comment button on Birthday and Ticker Flyout boxes
  • Fixed Hide Recent Activity Button
  • Added The hide “Read an Article” option now also hides the new “Trending Articles” boxes.
  • New method for disabling Timeline

I figured out a new simple method for disabling Facebook Timeline, that should work in all Desktop browsers (including Internet Explorer). See here for more details: fbpurity.com/remove-timeline
If you want to share this link on facebook, use the following redirect link: j.mp/fbpurityfixtimeline (As facebook are blocking direct links to my website)

Install the updated version of F.B. Purity (v7.1.0)

Donations are important to help support the development work. If you appreciate all the work I do on F.B. Purity and would like to see it continued, please donate via:

Donate to FB Purity

Become a fan of F.B. Purity on Facebook to stay up to date with the latest F.B. Purity news and developments

And in case Facebook try and delete the F.B. Purity fan page (again) you can also keep up to date with F.B Purity news, via
Google Plus, Twitter, and RSS / Email

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FB Purity’s Timeline Disabling Feature has stopped working, due to a code change at Facebook.

Bad news for timeline haters. It looks as though Facebook have patched the loophole, that allowed the disabling of Timeline in your browser, by changing the browser’s useragent to IE7. Theres not much I can do about that unfortunately. Future versions of FB Purity will need to be developed that give an option to restyle the Timeline to an easier to use format. This is going to take a lot of time to develop.

Donations are important to help support the development work, as this is very hard work and a very complicated process. If you appreciate all the work I do on F.B. Purity and would like to see it continued, please donate via:

Donate to FB Purity

Become a fan of F.B. Purity on Facebook to stay up to date with the latest F.B. Purity news and developments

And in case Facebook try and delete the F.B. Purity fan page (again) you can also keep up to date with F.B Purity news, via
Google Plus, Twitter, and RSS / Email

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Facebook are now blocking links to fbpurity.com and have also deleted most images from the FBP Fan Page!

Facebook’s latest sabotage attempt against FB Purity is that they are now blocking everybody from posting any links to fbpurity.com claiming that its a spammy or abusive website. When in fact the opposite is true, F.B. Purity actually cleans up the spam on Facebook!

Facebook’s latest sabotage attempt against FB Purity is to without warning or explanation ( as seems to be their sneaky and underhand policy ) deleted most of the images from this FBP fan page, i wonder what they have planned next…

The proof that fbpurity DOT com is a safe site is easy to find, just ask any long term FB Purity user, or if you dont believe them, just look up fbpurity DOT com on any of the following website security / safety sites:


Please help to get fbpurity.com unblocked by writing to facebook, via the following form, to complain about Facebook blocking links to fbpurity.com:




If you like the FB Purity project, appreciate the amount of time and effort i have put into it, and would like to see its development continue, please donate via http://donate.fbpurity.com

Install the latest version of F.B. Purity (v7.0.0)

BTW Go here: For the guide on how to disable / remove / deactivate / turn off and get rid of Facebook Timeline

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F.B Purity Update v7.0.0 – Improved timeline disabling especially in Chrome. Also adds a fix for news article redirection.

Changes in FB Purity v7.0.0

  • Added a Disable Timeline button “TL” at the end of the URL bar for Chrome users, to make it easier for Chrome users to disable/enable Timeline in their browser. The Timeline disabling button for Google Chrome is now built into the extension, so you no longer have to run a bat file to set the User Agent to IE7. The advantage of this new feature is that it only switches the User Agent to IE7 when you are on the Facebook website. For all other websites it will use its normal User Agent, so other sites should work fine when you have got Timeline disabled.
  • Improved the glitch fixing for all browsers when spoofing IE7 in the process of disabling Timeline.
  • Added an option to stop news article links in “read an article” stories from redirecting via Facebook applications. This option is called “Fix news article redirects” and its just above the “Sort Feed: Most Recent” option on the FBP options screen. If FBP cant fix the link, it adds a “google this story” link that lets you look the story up via Google.
  • I’ve also updated some of the “extra” filters so they should work better. Please note that if you have your Facebook interface set to a language other than English, FBP’s built in “extra” filtering functionality will not work, so you will either need to switch your Facebook interface to English, or else, put your own Custom Text phrases that you want to filter out in your own language into FBP’s Custom Text Filter box.

Developing, maintaining and supporting F.B. Purity takes up a lot of my time, If you like the FB Purity project, appreciate the amount of time and effort i have put into it, and would like to see its development continue, please support my work by donating, so I can carry on with it.

You can donate here: Donate to FB Purity

Install the updated version of F.B. Purity (v7.0.0)

BTW Go here: For the guide on how to disable / deactivate / turn off / get rid of / remove Facebook Timeline

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F.B Purity Update v6.7.1 – Improved the application / game and “extra” filtering

Changes in FB Purity v6.7.1

  • Improved application and game filtering
  • Improved the extra filtering (in particular comments on wall, and tagged in photos)
  • Fixed problems with the opera extension

Developing, maintaining and supporting F.B. Purity takes up a lot of my time, If you like the FB Purity project, appreciate the amount of time and effort i have put into it, and would like to see its development continue, please support my work by donating, so I can carry on with it.

You can donate here: Donate to FB Purity

Install the updated version of F.B. Purity (v6.7.1)

BTW Go here: For the guide on how to disable / deactivate / turn off / get rid of / remove Facebook Timeline

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F.B Purity Update v6.7.0 – Fixed erroneous Extra filtering, Fixed Delete Recent Activity function, Fixed Sort by Most Recent option

Changes in FB Purity v6.7.0

  • Fixed erroneous extra filtering (FBP had started to filter out posts that it shouldnt have, due to a code change at Facebook)
  • Fixed delete recent activity functionality, its now “hide recent activity” to reflect that its no longer deleted, just hidden.
  • Fixed the option to force the newsfeed to be sorted by “most recent”
  • Fixed “BA” (Block Application) links
  • Fixed hide ads in message pages
  • Fixed comment box growing too big in Safari
  • Fixed hide chat box option

Developing, maintaining and supporting F.B. Purity takes up a lot of my time, If you like the FB Purity project, appreciate the amount of time and effort i have put into it, and would like to see its development continue, please support my work by donating, so I can carry on with it.

You can donate here: Donate to FB Purity

BTW Go here: For the guide on how to disable / deactivate / turn off / get rid of / remove Facebook Timeline

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FB Purity’s newsfeed filtering has stopped working properly due to another Facebook code change.

Due to a Facebook code change, FB Purity’s newsfeed filtering has stopped working properly. This means at present stories are being filtered out that shouldnt be filtered out. Im working on a fix, please be patient, thanks.

Developing, maintaining and supporting F.B. Purity takes up a lot of my time, If you like the FB Purity project, appreciate the amount of time and effort i have put into it, and would like to see its development continue, please support my work by donating, so I can carry on with it.

You can donate here: Donate to FB Purity

BTW Go here: For the guide on how to disable / deactivate / turn off / get rid of / remove Facebook Timeline

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FB Purity’s Delete Recent Activity Button has stopped working, due to a Facebook code change.

FB Purity’s “Delete Recent Activity” Button has stopped working, due to a Facebook code change.

I will need to investigate it and come up with a solution before i can release a new fixed version of FB Purity, please be patient, thanks.

BTW Im still doing research into what people hate about Facebook, please take the poll by clicking the following link https://www.facebook.com/questions/10150593151412559/
and then selecting the items that you hate about Facebook, if you have already answered the poll, please do look again, as many new options have been added, please also share this Poll with your friends and also click the “Ask Friends” button at the top right of the Poll page, to ask individual friends, who you think might be interested to take the poll.

If you like the FB Purity project, appreciate the amount of time and effort i have put into it, and would like to see its development continue, please donate via http://donate.fbpurity.com

BTW Go here: For the guide on how to disable / deactivate / turn off / get rid of / remove Facebook Timeline

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Survey: What do you hate most about Facebook?

Survey: What do you hate most about Facebook?

Im doing research into what people hate about Facebook, please take the poll by clicking the following link https://www.facebook.com/questions/10150593151412559/
and then selecting the items that you hate about Facebook, if you have already answered the poll, please do look again, as many new options have been added, please also share this Poll with your friends and also click the “Ask Friends” button at the top right of the Poll page, to ask individual friends, who you think might be interested to take the poll.

Please note that many of the things that people have listed that they hate about Facebook, can be fixed by using the F.B (Fluff Busting) Purity web browser extension, which you can get here: http://fbpurity.com

If you like the FB Purity project, appreciate the amount of time and effort i have put into it, and would like to see its development continue, please donate via http://donate.fbpurity.com

You can install the latest version of F.B. Purity (v6.6.2)

BTW Go here: For the guide on how to disable / deactivate / turn off / get rid of / remove Facebook Timeline

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F.B Purity Update v6.6.2 – Fixed comment buttons on new photo light box, Brought back “hide comments/likes on top news stories” option

F.B. Purity is a browser extension that cleans up your Facebook homepage, it is compatible with Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera.

Changes in FB Purity v6.6.2:

  • Fixed auto update checker.
  • Fixed news feed on fbp options screen.
  • Hides “press enter to submit comment” text when comment button enabled.
  • Fixes gap on new group pages when in ie7 spoof mode.
  • Fixed comment buttons on new photo light box
  • Brought back “hide comments/likes on top news stories” option.

If you like the FB Purity project, appreciate the amount of time and effort i have put into it, and would like to see its development continue, please donate via http://donate.fbpurity.com

Install the updated version of F.B. Purity (v6.6.2)

BTW Go here: For the guide on how to disable / remove / deactivate / turn off and get rid of Facebook Timeline

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